Monday, May 4, 2015

The Farquhar House five generations of parties and living

Photo taken in September 1944. Left to right daughter Ruth, mother Mary, and daughter Martha at the Rear view of the brick house built in 1818 by Robert Farquhar the 1st. built on the property that his father Allen Farquhar bought  in 1792. Robert the first died in 1882: He left it to his son Robert the second, who died in 1876. He left the house and farm to his son Robert the 3rd. 

He left it to his son Allen and both of wives raised 10 children there. They were the fifth generation of Farquhar’s to live there. This son Allen then owned the home but never married but occupied it care for it for many years.  At his death in 2003, the home was passed to his brother John who sold it.